
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Prayer Lists (yea or nay?)

When I was a kid I would make THE longest prayer list that I could make.  I did this not out of annoying the Sunday School teacher but only because I was fascinated to see if they would actually pray for these people. And they did!  What I didn't do was keep up with how many had answered prayers.

I would to make a private list and a public list.  Private only for my eyes only to prayer to God and a public list to share with my family and be able to show how God answers prayers.  Sometimes we don't get something put right in front of us to show our children how faith works...we just tell them if you believe then its true.  To kids this is a hard concept to understand and believe in something they cannot see.

This maybe a new venture for us but God is the one who woke me up at 12:30am for a blog this and to share with others!  I talked about Prayer in a previous post Here  We actually made those cute popsicle stick prayer pails.  They really ended up being a mess most of the time but it taught the kids about the first part of praying.  Taking time out of your schedule to give your heart of prayer to God.  Now I would like to teach them the power of praying and show them that God does answer his own time of course.  But time is a very un-measured part of God.  Expect to be Blessed.
On this wonderful website she tells in detail how to make a prayer pail.

1. If you would like to share a prayer request with us that you don't mind sharing please do.
2. We promise to pray for you each day.
3 Please follow up with us if your prayer needs have changed as in worsened or changed as in a blessing/resolved.

Thank you!