
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Prayer Pail Project

 The kids are working hard at creating our family and prayer prayer pails.  See, pinterest has its quality moments that are useful besides just sitting and pinnning stuff.  We are putting it to good use.  The purpose for me to have them do this is to get them excited to pray for people and to learn to pray too.  So far they have been adding tons of people to the popsicle sticks.  I fully intend to let that person know on facebook (if they are on there) that they are being prayed for today.
Not much going on today except that I will be giving the kids some paper to write down who they would like to add to the prayer pail.  If anyone else would like to make the same thing I would love to see your pictures too!
I posted a picture last night of what it will look like.  I will post later on what ours looks like.