Ours was semi-productive I suppose. Despite a dragging morning, a lost science book and a couple of hours at the dr. office...we did get Jacob's hair cut today! My cable box keeps switching on and off. Hopefully this will correct itself overnight and its a good thing I am tired and don't care to watch tv anyhow. Somehow over the holidays we have lost our science book. I have the TE but I need the science book for Emily's assignments!

While waiting on blood sugars to be announced I did a quick research on some new pumps that are coming out in 2012.
http://www.diabetesnet.com/technology/insulin-pumps I found the t:slim and the jewel pumps to be of interest to me. I think I am looking forward to a good change besides the same 3-5 buttons that I have been pushing since 1999. I am ready for new technology to keep my interest and the new flair with colors! And I thought my inset were great!