
Friday, September 3, 2010

Well, we didn't make it to the creek today. But he did get alot of work done. It looked like it was going to storm and we didn't want to chance it. We are going to go on Monday when the other kids are home so that they can learn and enjoy the creek too! Kind of more excited for the others to learn about ecosystems too!
So since our plans were changed I went to the Y with friends and enjoyed a zumba class. I still don't have all the steps down but it was really fun!

Waiting on Jacob to stop wandering around and get his preliminary research finished so that we can leave for the creek. He did a spelling lesson this morning, contributed to his journal and now is looking up links to ecosystem lectures, videos and a few helpful definitions. We are going to stop and grab some noodles and then be on our way! Oh, I did say we would ride our bikes to get noodles...hmmm. Not sure if we will have time! These pictures were taken at Defeated Creek in May 2010.