
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Bringing me closer

Sorry I know I was going to write on Saturday morning but instead I thought I would put my body through its own trauma and get a lot done while Judge was a willing driver.  We had a wonderful day but I sure did pay for it later that night.  

Something I have had heavy on my heart is the outpouring of kindness we have  been a recipient of in the last few weeks.  Since my hospitalization we have had meals brought in, days set up for people to pick up my children so they can still attend handbell choir, numerous calls, text messages and a ride here and there for me to get a few things done.

First I must mention that I had a similar medical experience 6 years ago and we did attend church at that time too.  We did end up leaving the church because we did not feel like we belonged when I came home with my right side not working properly.  The only help that we received was getting me back and forth to therapies and the kids to public school.  Our helpers weren't apart of the church.

As church members we should help our own flock.  I am not saying this as if everyone needs to get over here right now because I have a spot on my floor.  I am saying this as a sheep knowing that we must all stick together.

Something I have also noticed is that the people that have helped are not only visitors from our church leadership but people from our previous church that we don't have membership.  So our help has come from our church family and other church "families" too.  It is nice to see that our society is starting to come together as a family.  Even if its just a glimmer of unity.  I can see it.  And I hope the light shines bright enough for others to see it to.  

Families just because we don't belong to the same church I hope we are still worshiping the same God.  We have that common bond and sense of family.  Families take care of families!  I received a card in the mail from my aunt in Texas.  She has always been Catholic for as long as I can remember and went to services at different times than we did.  She sent the most beautiful card that brought tears to my eyes.  It was a Get-Well Prayer that stated that I was to be remembered in daily prayers at Saint Lawrence Seminary for 1 year.  I hope they won't forget me after a year but it was very touching to receive the card not only signed by aunt and uncle but also their "priest"?  How sweet is that.  She didn't have to do that.  She is not a Baptist like I am but I know that we have the same God.  I have had long conversations with her about the differences and similarities of our churches.

I guess my grand point is that we don't have to go to the same church as each other or belong to the same group of friends....although that may be how you find out who may be ill.  Churches are coming together as one and taking care of God's people. I find this to be a blessing!