
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A little of this...A little of that

As I am wide awake at 4am...I start my day getting organized for Day 2 of fall classes.  Yesterday, we only accomplished Algebra 2 and swimming.  The younger two worked on some worksheets and read Chapter 1 of Charlotte's Web.  Which brings me to my next point.  July 11th is E.B. White's birthday.  Read your favorite book by the author and check out this WEBSITE if you are using Charlotte's Web this year as part of your curriculum.

We are starting Day 1 of Chemistry.Here are a few videos to get the class going:

I think I have settled in on an online Japanese 1 curriculum for Jacob.  He is not wavering on his decision to take Japanese...rats!  So I guess I will be learning along with him.  Not that I don't already have French, German and Spanish textbooks here.  But Japanese is his interest right now.  And what kind of homeschooling mom would I be if I didn't let him follow his interests?  Just my opinion.  Homeschooling is about flexibility and sacrifice.  Here is the curriculum that was listed on a fb group that I recently found.
I have already printed out his first worksheet to go along with the video.

Until we start our book study of "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" I am going to supplement with some VOCABULARY work to get started on 11th Grade English.

Jacob is working on OCEANOGRAPHY today for the first day.  We are easing our way into our very full, heavy year.  I told them that I think 11th grade is the hardest year that I had in high school.  Senior year seemed to be a breeze.  Here is today's assignment:
  1. Copy key terms in the vocabulary section
  2. Answer essential questions on your own paper.  Write question and answer using an intelligent words with your answer.
  3. Across the top.  Keep tabbing over to read the content.  Page 6 and 7 are your assignments each week.  You must turn your assignments in on Thursdays to me.  If it is an online activity I would like to see the finished answers.
Emily's Advanced Biology 2 won't start for at least another week as we are still waiting on the curriculum to arrive.  I didn't realize it was in pre-order status.

And then we have Government...yes, I found my curriculum!  In a tote bag from the curriculum fair tucked in behind the recliner :)
We are using We hold These Truths & Exploring Government by Notgrass