
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Public School is O-V-E-R!!!

Here is my lyric for this post:

School's out for summer
School's out forever
Just a quick snip-it!

Today I spent the morning at the school.  Cried to the school nurse about how much we will miss her!! Terribly, I'm afraid!  She has done so much for our family and our children.  Followed up with 2 award ceremonies for Jesse and Elizabeth.  They both did very well this year earning certificates, trophies, ribbons and medals!  The whole morning was very bittersweet.  

We are ready for our new chapter in life.  The simple life.  After an early dismissal we came home for a few minutes to pick up Jacob.  We headed to the library.  Emily, Jacob and Jesse picked out their own books while I chose Elizabeth's books according to what we are learning about this week(s).  

Elizabeth and I are doing a unit study on "Pioneering".  I am thinking of documenting everything that we do and to share the unit study with others.
We are reading the following books this week:
PIONEERS  Adventure in a New Land
A Pioneer ABC
Pioneer Church
Life on a Pioneer Homestead
House Calls  The true story of a Pioneer Doctor
Pioneer Farm Cooking

I want to follow up our Pioneering with reading the Little House on the Prairie books.  I have contemplated on buying the Primer book.  But it is SO expensive.  Here is a website with several lapbook ideas for the different books.  We will start with Little House in the Big Woods.  
She watched the first 10min of the very first Little House on the Prairie tv show tonight.  Will finish it tomorrow.